Tonbridge U3A 

Retired or semi-retired – looking for new interests or wanting to return to old interests. Perhaps TU3A can help. Come and meet some of our members at our monthly coffee morning on the 3rd Friday of each month. We meet at Christchurch, opposite the library, from 10:30 until noon. Find out first hand about opportunities or visit Our motto is “Live,Learn,Laugh”.

Tonbridge U3A would like to wish everyone, member or not, a peaceful Christmas and a comfortable New Year. Potential members ( people who are retired or semi-retired) are most welcome to come and meet us at our monthly coffee morning on 20th November at Christchurch, opposite the library from 10:30 am. To find out more please go to

Next year TU3A celebrates 25 years as a vibrant part of the Tonbridge community.