Parochial Church Council
The PCC, or Parochial Church Council, supports and advises the Vicar in the mission, worship and pastoral care of the Parish. It is also responsible for the finances of the Parish, and the care and maintenance of the buildings and contents in the Parish.
Details of meetings and minutes are available on request from the church office.
The Electoral Roll is a formal list of parishioners (and/or regular worshippers at any of our churches) and enables participation at our Annual Parochial Church Meeting. If you are baptised, over 16 and have worshipped with us for at least 6 months (or live in the parish), you are able to apply. Our Electoral Roll is being renewed this April 2025. More details are on the application form here.
You can also pick up a hard copy of the Electoral Roll form at the back of any of our church buildings. Please send completed forms to the Electoral Roll Officer, Sally Musson, or post to the church office.