Reverend Ben Thorndike
It is a joy to be part of Tonbridge Parish Church family. I have a passion for mission and discipleship, and a focus on strengthening the work of the church so that it can reach out into the community – primarily through the teaching and preaching of God’s word in the Bible. Please also see our parish vision here for what is important to us as a church family! Alongside my family, I am excited to serve the Lord Jesus together with those across our church family and share the good news of God’s forgiving, transforming love in Jesus with the wider parish and beyond. I am also Secretary for the Rochester Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship (RDEF) and a member of its committee.
I trained at Oak Hill Theological College, and before working in church ministry taught Business Studies and Economics at a large secondary school in Cambridge. In my spare time I enjoy films and reading, open water swimming and I am a keen fly fisherman. I am married to Jane, and we have three school-age children.
Contact Ben on: 01732 770962 x23
ben@tonbridgeparishchurch.org.uk |
Reverend Wendy Carr
Associate Vicar
As the Associate Vicar I have the privilege of walking with people through life and encouraging them on their journeying with Jesus. I have a particular heart for pastoral ministry and outreach and community engagement.
Before training for ministry at Ridley Hall in Cambridge I worked with children and families, my passion was to see children grow in confidence, to love life and to reach their full potential. Family life includes my husband Jason and our two children. We love the outdoors and exploring the countryside walking in and around Kent with our Labrador.
Contact Wendy on: 01732 355200
wendy@tonbridgeparishchurch.org.uk |
Alyson Bleakley
Senior Minister for Families
It is exciting to be part of the team, with the role of strategic oversight for our ministry to youth, children and families. I have a passion for seeing young people and families become rooted in Jesus, as well as reaching out to those who don't know Him yet. I have been a UCCF Relay Worker, and also have a teaching background, so am hoping the Lord will use some of those skills in this new role!
It has been a joy for my husband John and I to be part of the church family for twenty years and bring up our three children here. Outside of loving time with my now quite grown up family, I enjoy walking, reading and having coffee with anyone who is willing.
Contact Alyson on: 01732 770962 x22
alyson.bleakley@tonbridgeparishchurch.org.uk |
Ed Pascoe
Youth & Children's Minister
It's great to be working with the youth, children and their families in the parish! I work alongside Alyson in church, schools and the local community, getting to show Jesus whilst having fun, what could be better?!
Before my role here, I was the Youth & Families Minister for eight years at a local church near Tunbridge Wells. Before that I did an array of jobs including working in schools, homeless projects for young people and residential youth retreat centres.
I am married to Julie, and we have four primary aged children. Julie grew up in Tonbridge and I went to college here so we have good links with the town, and both would love to see many people come to faith in Jesus. When I get the time, I love watching movies, country walks, and sport.
Contact Ed on: 01732 770962 x 22
ed.pascoe@tonbridgeparishchurch.org.uk |

Sally Musson
Licensed Lay Minister
I work as a full-time Licensed Lay Minister (LLM) in the Parish of St Peter & St Paul. This involves preaching, leading worship, taking funerals, pastoral visits and a leadership role at St Saviour's. I also serve as Secretary to the Parochial Church Council and as the Electoral Roll Officer.
Beyond the Parish, I am a volunteer on the chaplaincy team at Tunbridge Wells Hospital.
I can also be seen out and about locally on my bike and in the gym.
Contact Sally on: 07713 352017
mussonsally@btinternet.com |
Alison Minton
Parish and Finance Administrator
I started in this role from July 2024, looking after church bookings, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. In addition, I support our Treasurer Andy Kirkpatrick with the running of the Parish finances.
Before starting to work at the church, I was for 6 years Academic Registrar at St. Augustine Theological College in West Malling. In earlier times, I had worked in the banking sector as a management consultant in London. I then took time out to be a stay-at-home Mum while our two children were growing up, and was for several years chair of the governors of our children’s Primary School in Tonbridge. I am married to Steve and love music, playing an active role in the sung worship team at St Philip's. I also enjoy board games, reading and spending time with the family.
Contact Alison on: 01732 770962 x24
Jane Thorndike
Church Family Administrator
I work as part of the administration team to support the wider church family across the parish. This includes Sunday morning service planning, and communication and publicity across the churches.
I have served in a number of different churches over the years, with a focus on working with children and young people, and different aspects of church administration. Before that I was a primary school teacher. I enjoy time with my family – walking, cycling, crafts and board games with the children!
Contact Jane on: 01732 770962 x24
jane.thorndike@tonbridgeparishchurch.org.uk |

Andy Kirkpatrick
As Treasurer it is my responsibility to help oversee parish finances, alongside the team around me who bring their own experience and wisdom! I am a Qualified Accountant, currently working for a manufacturing business in Essex, where I have been for the last five years.
My wife Jane and I worship at St Philip's. Do please feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to answer.
Above all, I trust that if we ask God to lead our lives, he does just that!
Contact Andy via the Church Office: 01732 770962 x24
Andy-kirkpatrick@outlook.com |

Pam Calvert
Parish Safeguarding Officer
With all members of the clergy, staff and wider team my role is to help uphold the Church of England safeguarding policies to help ensure our parish churches are safe, nurturing places for church life and worship.
Pam can be contacted in confidence about any safeguarding concern on: pso@tonbridgeparishchurch.org.uk |
Mike Talbot
While there are formal duties and responsibilities as a Churchwarden, my main aim is to work with the vicar, PCC, staff team and across the church family to help us all to grow in our Christian faith and live it out in our community.
My wife, Maggie, and I moved into the area a few years ago, having lived in Sevenoaks and Orpington before then. Family, grandchildren especially, keep us on our toes but we enjoy walking and Scottish Country Dancing whenever we can.
Contact Mike on: 01732 834602
David Balcombe
In my role as a Churchwarden I seek to assist the Vicar and church family in the decisions and activities of the church as we work together to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am married to Wendy, and together we both share a love of music, along with the busy-ness of church and family life.
Contact David on: 01732 357734
davidbalcombe2015@gmail.com |
Electoral Roll
The PCC, or Parochial Church Council, supports and advises the Vicar in the mission, worship and pastoral care of the Parish. It is also responsible for the finances of the Parish, and the care and maintenance of the buildings and contents in the Parish. The PCC is a Charity and its members are trustees of the Charity. The PCC and Vicar have a duty of care to ensure the safeguarding of the vulnerable in the church community.
The members of the PCC are the Clergy, Churchwardens and others elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. PCC members for 2024-2025 are:
David Balcombe
Jason Carr
Wendy Carr
Dianne Dartnell
Derek Fouche
Sarah Francis
George Gilbart-Smith
Paul Jagger
Robert Kidston
Jeremy King
Patricia King
Andy Kirkpatrick
Felicity Layton
David Mote
Sally Musson
David Robins
Amanda Rotchell
Mike Talbot
Ray Tanner
Sara Thomson
Ben Thorndike
Sally Musson is our Electoral Roll officer. Please contact her to check if you are on the Roll, or send applications to her. Application forms can be downloaded here and more information on the Electoral Roll can be found under Resources.
If you need to contact the Church please visit the Contact Us page.