What we believe 

We believe that the Gospel is for everyone - God's good news of forgiveness and new life for all who will turn and trust in Jesus!

We are four churches, St Peter & St Paul’s, St Andrew’s, St Philip’s and St Saviour’s. Each has its own style and we are united as one church family across the parish:
  • by a love for the Bible and a desire to live faithfully according to its teaching;
  • by prayer as we rely on the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire our life together;
  • in working together to serve the church family, the people of our parish and the town of Tonbridge, and our various mission partners around the world.

We long to grow in our love of Jesus together, and see the world transformed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We would love to welcome you to our church family and hope you gain a taste of our life together from this website.

What is Christianity?