Mission Action Group

Across the world, we work closely with organisations and individuals providing practical and spiritual help, training and education. The group overseeing how we spend our money on these projects is the MISSION ACTION GROUP or MAG, chaired by Paul White.

Bishop Given and the Diocese of Kondoa: Tanzania

July 2021

Bishop Given and his team celebrate the ordination of eight new clergy, seven of whom have recently graduated from the Kondoa Bible College with a Provincial Certificate in Theology.  A number of these new Pastors were sponsored by folk from the Rochester Diocese.

The photo is taken in front of the Kondoa Cathedral – the Cathedral of St. Paul the Evangelist to the Gentiles.  Progress has been phenomenal, with the two-storey building standing out like a beacon for Christianity in the community of Kondoa.  Furthermore the NBC Tanzanian national broadcast of the Christmas Eve service in 2021 was held at the new Kondoa cathedral.
Kondoa new cathedral

June 2022

The Cathedral was completed. 

Kondoa cathedral 13.6.22

June 2022

St P & P Primary School

The growth of St. Peter & St. Paul Primary School continues from strength to strength. Principal Conjesta has been overseeing the expansion of the school to over a hundred pupils, with a waiting list of a further thirty young hopefuls.  Bishop Given and Conjesta recently expressed their huge thanks to Tonbridge Parish Church for providing the half-school fee for the year to help parents, pupils, and the school to ease through the crisis of the pandemic.

This photo shows the five new classrooms being built on the St Peter and St Paul school in Kondoa!

24.1.23 Classrooms

March 2023

It was a joy to learn more about Kondoa and hear from Bishop Given live on Zoom as he discussed his plans for the Diocese. 
If you missed this but would like to catch do see the following videos If you would like to contribute to the remaining cost of completion, around £30,000 please contact Ray on 07810 470100 or treasurer@tonbridgeparishchurch.org.uk
More information can found in this brochure which has been developed by Principal Conjesta and Canon Sue Chalkley to promote the school. Please click here for a donation form if you are interested in making a donation to support this project.

October 2023

Our team had a great time visiting St Peter & St Paul Primary School and supporting Bishop Given. 


The new desks for the school - using money raised from the High Tea at St Philip's church


Click here for our latest letter from Bishop Given: OCTOBER 2024

Click here for latest prayer requests for Kondoa - AUGUST 24

Click here for annual report from Kondoa Bible College 2024

Video showing life in the rainy season

Video showing students preparing for the start of term

June 2024

Plans for the new Secondary School are coming on well - click HERE to more information


The Langham Partnership: Global

uk logo R
Langham Partnership’s Vision is to see churches throughout the world equipped for mission and growing to maturity in Christ through the ministry of pastors and leaders who believe, teach, and live by the Word of God.

Langham Partnership’s Mission is to strengthen the ministry of the Word of God through:
  • Nurturing national movements for biblical preaching (Langham Preaching).
  • Fostering the creation and distribution of evangelical literature (Langham Literature).
  • Enhancing evangelical theological education (Langham Scholars), especially in countries where churches are under resourced.

    Scholars – equipping theological leaders to reach their nations for Christ.

    Preaching – training indigenous pastors and leaders to faithfully preach God’s Word.

    Literature – developing biblical resources to equip pastors and leaders.

    Chris Wright, a former curate at Tonbridge Parish Church, is Langham Global Ambassador and is much in demand as a lecture and preacher all over the world.

Find out more about Langham Partnership here

NEWS FROM LANGHAM – March 2024 Read more here

Read about a Scholar’s call to strengthen the Church in Mongolia. Bayar, the first person in Mongolia to receive a PhD in Biblical Studies (with support from Langham), is leading a project translating Scripture. This will hugely impact the young Mongolian Church.
“War forced me to question atheism - now I train preachers”. Read about Jelena who grew up in a communist, atheist family but became a Christian at the age of 22. She quit her job to go to Bible College and now she is Langham National Coordinator for Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Meet up with others each month on Zoom for news of Langham (including speakers on video), chat and prayer fellowship. The link to the next meeting can be found here.

The site also provides links to previous Zoom meetings where you can watch the videos and read prayer requests.

February Langham Live - The Heart of Mongolia

To read the latest Langham Transform magazine click here

March 2025 Prayer Diary here

Bishop Ken Barham: Cyangugu, Rwanda

Bishop Ken has been instrumental in laying Cyangugu Diocese’s foundation much of which was during the years immediately follow the genocide in 1994.  Since his retirement in 2001, Bishop Ken (and his wife Jill who sadly passed away in 2024) have worked continuously to raise funds to support the continued development of the Diocese. The Church has grown enormously with many churches created, guest houses built to generate income as well as schools and health centres.  Recognition of this work was given by the Rwandan Government and Bishop Ken was awarded an OBE.

Click here for latest update from Bishop Ken (March 2025)


Overseas Mission Fellowship: The Gelsthorpe family, Japan

Family photo Dec 2021
Family photo December 2021

The Gelsthorpes are missionaries from the UK based in rural north Japan
Read all their latest news, including family life, in their March 2025 prayer letter.

High Hopes: Tonbridge, UK

HH logo
E&M Dec 2021

High Hopes has links with 35+ schools in the Tonbridge area. They lead assemblies on a weekly basis in rotation, with the aim to introduce children to the person of Jesus Christ and His life changing teaching. 

More information can be found on their website

Click here for the January 2025 update

And latest prayer requests - click here!

News of High Hopes new member - click here!