The East Window
The East Window is the main window in churches, because the sun rises in the East and reminds us of the Resurrection of Jesus. Our window is a unique one containing 8,000 pieces of glass. It is not a 'stained' glass window but an amalgamation of small pieces of coloured glass, which gives the colours a greater richness.
The window was installed in 1954 after the plain glass window was destroyed by a flying bomb in 1944. The central piece, and indeed the message of the window, is an image of Jesus Christ in glory and is based on a pas-sage in Revelation 19, where Christ is 'crowned with many crowns.' In addition to the crowns angels and musicians surround the glorified Saviour.
Below them are images of the old and new Testament prophets who looked forward to the coming of Christ. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Simeon and John the Baptist are there, but difficult to spot.

Isaiah |

Simeon |
Isaiah can be found in the middle of the far left panel. He was a prophet in ancient Israel and foretold the coming of a Messiah who would be 'pierced for our transgressions,' and suffer as he 'carried our sorrows.' Isaiah 53:4-5
Simeon is in the second panel from the left. He appears in Luke's Gospel and is described as 'righteous and devout.' He met the newborn Jesus, he recognised him as the Messiah, and praised God saying 'my eyes have seen your salvation.' Luke 2:30

The central pilgrim, kneeling before Christ his King
In the lower part of the window are the followers of Christ: Mary, a craftsman, Martha, and a medical worker. Central and kneeling before Christ is the figure of a Pilgrim.

Mary and Martha
Mary and Martha, sisters from Bethany and friends of Jesus. The Gospel of John records that Jesus Christ raised their brother, Lazarus, from the dead.

John the Baptist |

Jeremiah |
John the Baptist can be found in the 3rd panel (L-R). He was Jesus Christ's cousin, and a prophet. He spent his adult life in the wilderness, baptising those who listened to his call to "Repent for the Kingdom of God is near," preparing them for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ began his ministry by going to be baptised by John. John appears in all the Gospels, but especially in Luke.
Jeremiah can be found in the furthest right-hand panel. He was an old testament prophet who persevered in proclaiming God's plans for restora-tion and salvation of His people.

Leonard Walker
Leonard Walker collected these pieces of coloured glass from all over the country, fitting them together into his overall design. In this way the window also represents how people of all shapes and sizes, from all places can come together as Church in worship of Jesus Christ.
Leonard Walker was 80 when he designed and made the window, which took three years. He was paid £8 a week, which was a working man's wage in the 1950s.
"to me this window is more than an unusually beautiful creation. It unfolds its message with a heartfelt prayer"
Gordon Rowe, writing in the Daily Telegraph in 1955.